Edu4all Disability as Diversity
الإعاقة كتنوع: دمج الطلاب
ذوي الإعاقة في التعليم العالي
Edu4all Disability as Diversity

الإعاقة كتنوع: دمج الطلاب ذوي الإعاقة في التعليم العالي

معرض الصور


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Dr. Ezzaldeen Edwan explains his experience in Spain
Mrs. Aisha Al-Kurd Explain the importance of accessibility
Explains Accessible Documents and PDF
Explains Accessible PowerPoint Presentation
Explains clipchamp Tools for Auto Caption
Dr. Ezzaldeen Edwan explains his experience in Spain
Mrs. Aisha Al-Kurd Explain the importance of accessibility
Explains Accessible Documents and PDF
Explains Accessible PowerPoint Presentation
Explains clipchamp Tools for Auto Caption
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Dr. Ezzaldeen Edwan explains his experience in Spain June 2023
Mrs. Aisha Al-Kurd Explain the importance of accessibility June 2023
Explains Accessible Documents and PDF June 2023
Explains Accessible PowerPoint Presentation June 2023
Explains clipchamp Tools for Auto Caption June 2023
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giving a certificate in the scientific symposium
Mrs. Aisha Al-Kurd participated in the scientific symposium
Explaining a woman in sign language
A group of people organizing the symposium from the Department of Media and Arts
The attendees of the symposium organized by the Department of Information and Applied Arts
giving a certificate in the scientific symposium in at Palestine Technical College
Mrs. Aisha Al-Kurd participated in the scientific symposium
Explaining a woman in sign language
A group of people organizing the symposium from the Department of Media and Arts
The attendees of the symposium organized by the Department of Information and Applied Arts
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giving a certificate in the scientific symposium in at Palestine Technical College 29 may 2023
Mrs. Aisha Al-Kurd participated in the scientific symposium may 2023
Explaining a woman in sign language may 2023
A group of people organizing the symposium from the Department of Media and Arts may 2023
The attendees of the symposium organized by the Department of Information and Applied Arts may 2023
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UUC with the General Palestinian Union
General Palestinian Union for Persons with Disabilities signed the argument
Frame collects UUC with General Palestinian Union for Persons with Disabilities white background
UUC with the General Palestinian Union
General Palestinian Union for Persons with Disabilities signed the argument
Frame collects UUC with General Palestinian Union for Persons with Disabilities
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UUC with the General Palestinian Union with Disabilities
General Palestinian Union for Persons with Disabilities signed the argument Dec 2022
Frame collects UUC with General Palestinian Union for Persons with Disabilities at Dec 2022
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28 أغسطس 2022

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PTC organizes a workshop Dr. Mohamed Elnaggar with docrtos
PTC organizes a workshop Dr. Ezzaldeen Edwan
PTC organizes a workshop sign language training
all the doctors in the room at ptc
Samah Elhlou giving sign language for all the doctors
training course for PTC academic by Samah Elhlou
Training course about sign language at ptc interaction doctors
Doctor reading the sign language to do it
PTC organizes a workshop Dr. Mohamed Elnaggar with docrtos
Dr. Ezzaldeen Edwan at a sign language
workshop sign language training at PTC
all the doctors in the room at sign language training for PTC academic
Samah Elhlou training the doctors
training course for PTC academic by Samah Elhlou
interaction with the training
Doctor reading the sign language to do it with Samah Elhlou
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PTC academic workshop Dr. Mohamed Elnaggar a sign language
Dr. Ezzaldeen Edwan at a sign language training at PTC
workshop sign language training for PTC academic
Doctors at sign language training for PTC academic
Samah Elhlou training the doctors for sign language
Samah Elhlou giving presentation about sign language
interaction with the trainer Samah Elhlou
Training course of sign language by Samah Elhlou at ptc university
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27 يونيو 2022

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Leipzig Development Training- all groups
Leipzig Development Training Nestor Garay discussion
prof Georgios with Dr Yousef  in Leipzig training
Dr. Ezzaldeen Edwan Sign language
Dr Yousef and Dr Eman Daraghmi
some of trainers Leipzig Training Edu4ALL
Leipzig Training Dr Yousef and Dr Eman Daraghmi Edu4ALL poster Project
 University of Jordan team with Edu4ALL Poster
Leipzig Training Poster with nice style
Leipzig Training Cylinder in Leipzig
Leipzig Training papers from Cylinder in Leipzig
Leipzig Training Braille language Papers
Group of Braille Papers in Leipzig
Leipzig Training BRAILLEX EL 80c and keyboard
the all partners in the training session at Leipzig
Edu4ALL Project Partners in Leipzig in front of the university
Trainers from INT@E University at Leipzig
All trainees in Leipzig with INT@E Drs
Leipzig Training Palestine Technical University team with Ahmad Ashour
Dr Eman Daraghmi with trainers from Int@E​
Dr Eman Daraghmi Giving Presentation at Leipzig
Braille language at calendar  at Leipzig
Learning book in Braille language at Leipzig
Leipzig Training Teaching Braille Language
Leipzig Training Dr. Ezzaldeen Edwan with other Doctors
Dr.Yousef and other Partners at Lunchtime at Leipzig
Braille language at the German Map
Leipzig Training Braille Book  tree
Dr Eman Take the Certificate of Leipzig training with other Doctors
Dr Eman with Dr Georgios and Dr Yousef at Leipzig
Leipzig Development Training all partners
Leipzig Development Training Nestor Garay discussion
prof Georgios with Dr Yousef in training
Dr. Ezzaldeen Edwan Sign language
Dr Yousef and Dr Eman Daraghmi
some of trainers Leipzig Training Edu4ALL
Leipzig Training Dr Yousef and Dr Eman Daraghmi Edu4ALL poster Project
University of Jordan team with Edu4ALL Poster
Leipzig Training Poster with nice style
Leipzig Training Cylinder in Leipzig
Leipzig Training papers from Cylinder in Leipzig
Leipzig Training Braille Papers
Group of Braille Papers
Leipzig Training BRAILLEX EL 80c
the all partners in the training session at Leipzig
Edu4ALL Project Partners in Leipzig in front of the university
Trainers from INT@E University at Leipzig
All trainees in Leipzig Training with INT@E Drs
Leipzig Training Palestine Technical University team
Dr Eman Daraghmi with trainers from Int@E​
Dr Eman Daraghmi Giving Presentation at Leipzig
Braille language at calendar at Leipzig
Learning book in Braille language at Leipzig
Leipzig Training Teaching Braille Language
Leipzig Training Dr. Ezzaldeen Edwan with other Doctors
Dr.Yousef and other Partners at Lunchtime at Leipzig
Braille language at the German Map
Leipzig Training Braille Book tree
Dr Eman Take the Certificate of Leipzig training with other Doctors
Dr Eman with Dr Georgios and Dr Yousef at Leipzig
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Leipzig Development all partners
Leipzig Development Training Nestor Garay discussion with other doctors
prof Georgios with Dr Yousef Leipzig
Dr. Ezzaldeen Edwan Sign language in leipzig
Dr Yousef and Dr Eman Daraghmi in Leipzig
some of trainers Leipzig Training Edu4ALL Project
Leipzig Training Dr Yousef and Dr Eman Daraghmi The poster Edu4ALL
 University of Jordan team with Edu4ALL Poster in Leipzig
Leipzig Training Poster with nice style and some logos deaf and Braille language
Leipzig Training Cylinder traditionally in Leipzig
Leipzig Training papers in Leipzig
Braille Papers printer
Group of Braille Papers in the training session
Leipzig Training BRAILLEX EL 80c Equipment
the all partners in the training session at Leipzig University
Edu4ALL Project Partners in Leipzig in training Germany
Trainers from INT@E University at Leipzig Germany
All partners in Leipzig Training with INT@E team
Leipzig Training Palestine Technical University team with Edu4ALL poster
Dr Eman Daraghmi with trainers from Int@E​ at Leipzig
Dr Eman Daraghmi Giving Presentation at Leipzig University
Braille language at calendar  at Leipzig German
Learning book in Braille language at Leipzig German
Teaching Braille Language at Leipzig
Leipzig Training Dr. Ezzaldeen Edwan with other Doctors at Germany
Dr.Yousef and other Partners at Lunchtime at Leipzig Germany
Braille language at the German Map in Leipzig training
Braille Book in Leipzig
Dr Eman Take the Certificate of Leipzig training with trainers
Dr Eman with Dr Georgios and Dr Yousef at Leipzig German
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15يونيو 2022

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Meeting How do you see it tour
 Dr. Ezzaldeen Edwan How do you see it tour
Dr. Mansour Alayoubi at How do you see it tour
Dr Aysha alkurd at how do you see it
how do you see it Sign language Edu4ALL
Dr. Mansour Alayoubi giving certificate at how do you see it
Shaza Abu Salim at ptc how do you see it tour
Dr. Ezzaldeen Edwan in the how do you see it
DrAisha Al-Kurd at keef shayfha tour
Keef shayfha tour Attendees Edu4ALL
Meeting at University PTC Meeting How do you see
Dr. Ezzaldeen Edwan Talking about the project
Mansour Alayoubi at How do you see it
Dr Aysha alkurd at how do you see it meeting at ptc
how do you see it Sign language Edu4ALL at ptc gaza
Dr. Mansour Alayoubi giving certificate at how do you see it PTC
Shaza Abu Salim at ptc answer question
Dr. Ezzaldeen Edwan in the how do you see it at ptc edu4all
DrAisha Al-Kurd at keef shayfha ptc
Keef shayfha tour Attendees Meeting
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How do you see it  Meeting University at PTC
 Dr. Ezzaldeen Edwan Talking about the tour
Mansour Alayoubi at How do you see it tour at ptc
Dr Aysha alkurd at how do you see at ptc
how do you see it Sign language Edu4ALL PTC Gaza
Dr. Mansour Alayoubi giving certificate at how do you see it for Edu4all project
Dr Shaza Abu Salim at ptc answer question
Dr. Ezzaldeen Edwan in the how do you see it at ptc edu4ALL
DrAisha Al-Kurd at keef shayfha at Ptc gaza
Meetring Keef shayfha tour Attendees at ptc
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10 يناير 2022

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(PTUK) held an internal workshop
(PTUK) held an internal workshop for Edu4ALL
PTUK held an internal workshop in jul 2022
Palestine Technical University - Kadoorie (PTUK) held an internal Edu4All workshop
Palestine Technical University - Kadoorie (PTUK) held an internal Edu4All workshop Mr. Zafir Hasouna
Palestine Technical University Kadoorie (PTUK) held an internal Edu4All workshop in jul 2022
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(PTUK) held an internal Edu4All workshop
PTUK held an internal workshop
(PTUK held an internal Edu4All workshop in july
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29 ديسمبر2021

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UJ -Amman training staff of three
UJ -Amman training Ismail AL-Taharwa
UJ -Amman training Ismail AL-Taharwa giving a presentation
UJ -Amman training Ismail AL-Taharwa with all staff
UJ -Amman training staff of three
UJ -Amman training Ismail AL-Taharwa
UJ -Amman training Ismail AL-Taharwa giving a presentation
UJ -Amman training Ismail AL-Taharwa with all staff
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UJ -Amman training staff of three at amman
UJ -Amman training Ismail AL-Taharwa Universal Design
UJ -Amman training Ismail AL-Taharwa giving a presentation At Amman
UJ -Amman training Ismail AL-Taharwa with all staff giving presentation
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27 ديسمبر2021

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UJ Aqaba training all staff
UJ Aqaba training  Ismail ALTaharwa
UJ Aqaba training nazeeh ghatasheh
UJ Aqaba training Khaled Aldebei
UJ Aqaba training
UJ Aqaba training Ismail ALTaharwa Design Approaches
UJ Aqaba training nazeeh ghatasheh Assistive Technologies
UJ Aqaba training Khaled Aldebei Accessibility Services
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UJ Aqaba training Edu4ALL in the UJ with all staff
UJ Aqaba training  Ismail ALTaharwa Design Approaches at UJ
UJ Aqaba training nazeeh ghatasheh Assistive Technologies  at UJ
UJ Aqaba training Khaled Aldebei Accessibility Services at UJ
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29 نوفمبر 2021

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Edu4ALL Workshop at PTC Deir Al-Balah
Dr. Ezzadin Adwan
Edu4ALL Workshop at PTC Dr. Haitham  Dr. confirmed. Mansour Al-Ayoubi at ptc
Edu4ALL Workshop at PTC Dr. Shaza Abu Salim Dieralbalah
Edu4ALL Workshop at PTC Presentation start at PTC
Edu4ALL Workshop at PTC attendees at PTC
Edu4ALL Workshop at PTC attendees with Dr. confirmed. Mansour Al-Ayoubi  PTC
Edu4ALL Workshop at PTC Deir Al-Balah
Dr. Ezzadin Adwan Edu4ALL at PTC
Edu4ALL Workshop at PTC Dr. Haitham Dr. confirmed. Mansour Al-Ayoubi
Edu4ALL Workshop at PTC Dr. Shaza Abu Salim
Edu4ALL Workshop at PTC Presentation start
Edu4ALL Workshop at PTC attendees
Edu4ALL Workshop at PTC attendees with Dr. confirmed. Mansour Al-Ayoubi
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Edu4ALL Workshop at PTC Deir Al-Balah three Doctors
Dr. Ezzadin Adwan Edu4ALL Project
Edu4ALL Workshop at PTC Dr. Haitham  Dr. confirmed. Mansour Al-Ayoubi at PTC dier albalah
Edu4ALL Workshop at PTC Dr. Shaza AbuSalim
Edu4ALL Workshop at PTC Presentation start  PTC Dier albalah
Edu4ALL Workshop at PTC attendees at PTC Dier albalah
Edu4ALL Workshop at PTC attendees with Dr. confirmed. Mansour Al-Ayoubi  PTC Dier albalah
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من 18 إلى 22 أكتوبر 2021

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Edu4ALL training - Athens 15
Edu4ALL training  Athens all of theEdu4ALL training - Athens all of the Partners
With DrGeorgios
Session one of the workshop
Session two of the work shop in athina
With Jordanian Ambassador
Assistive Technologie
Assistive Technologies with more than four devices
Assistive Technologies
Edu4ALL training  Athens most of the all devices for training
Edu4ALL training Athens Devices for training
Edu4ALL training Athens device for the workshop training
Edu4ALL training Athens big device for the training
Edu4ALL training Athens keyboards words and black sponge
Edu4ALL training Athens more than five devices
Dr.Qawasmi with other Drs in Athens work shop
DrEman with other Drs in Athens workshop
DrAbuOwn with other Drs in Athens workshop
DrEzzedyn with other Drs in Athens workshop
DrIsmail with other Drs in Athens workshop
DrKhaled with other Drs in Athens workshop
DrMariam with other Drs in Athens workshop
DrNistor with other Drs in Athens workshop
DrOdat with other Drs in Athens workshop
DrRiyadh with other Drs in Athens workshop
DrYousef with other Drs in Athens workshop
Edu4ALL training Athens with all partners
Edu4ALL training Athens with all partners at the stairs
Edu4ALL training - Athens
Edu4ALL training Athens all of theEdu4ALL training Athens all the Partners
image With DrGeorgios
Session one
Session two of the work shop in Athena
With Jordanian Ambassador
Assistive Tech
Assistive Technologies with more than four devices
Assistive Technologies
Edu4ALL training Athens most of the all devices for training
Edu4ALL training Athens Devices
Edu4ALL training Athens device for the workshop
Edu4ALL training Athens big device for our training
Edu4ALL training Athens keyboards words and black sponge
Edu4ALL training Athens more than five devices
Dr.Qawasmi with other Drs in Athens workshop
DrEman with other Drs in Athens workshop
DrAbuOwn with other Drs in Athens workshop
DrEzzedyn with other Drs in Athens workshop
DrIsmail with other Drs in Athens workshop
DrKhaled with other Drs in Athens workshop
DrMariam with other Drs in Athens workshop
DrNistor with other Drs in Athens workshop
DrOdat with other Drs in Athens workshop
DrRiyadh with other Drs in Athens workshop
DrYousef with other Drs in Athens workshop
Edu4ALL training Athens with all partners
Edu4ALL training Athens with all partners at the stairs
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Edu4ALL training Athens
Edu4ALL training  Athens all of theEdu4ALL training - Athens all of the Partners
 With the DrGeorgios
Session one of the workshop
Session two of the workshop in Athens
Jordanian Ambassador
Assistive Technologies
Assistive Technologies with more devices
Assistive Technologies  with red and yellow buttons
Edu4ALL training Athens most of the all devices
Edu4ALL training Athens Devices
Edu4ALL training Athens device for the workshops
Edu4ALL training Athens big device
Edu4ALL training Athens keyboards words and black sponge and mouse
Edu4ALL training Athens more than five devices with black color
Dr.Qawasmi with other Drs in Athens at the end
DrEman with other Drs in Athens
DrAbuOwn with other Drs in Athens work shop
DrEzzedyn udwan with other Drs in Athens workshop
DrIsmail with other Drs in Athens
DrKhaled with other Drs in Athens
DrMariam with other Drs in Athens
DrNistor with other Drs in Athens
DrOdat with other Drs in Athens
DrRiyadh with other Drs in Athens
DrYousef with other Drs in Athens
Edu4ALL training Athens with all partners in Athens
Edu4ALL training Athens with all partners
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7 أكتوبر 2021

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صورة مع وزير الاتصالات
الدكتورة إيمان تتكلم عن المشورع
جواد ابو عون مع وزير الاتصالات وتكنولوجيا المعلومات
تجمع فريقي من مؤسسة شركاء في التنمية المستدامة وجامعة الخضوري بخصوص مشروع التعلم للجميع
تكلم الدكتورة ايمان مع الوزير بخصوص مشروع التعليم للجميع وبخصوص عقد ورشة عمل
جواد ابو عون مع وزير الاتصالات وتكنولوجيا المعلومات بخصوص مشروع التعليم للجميع
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صورة مع وزير الاتصالات والشركاء في رام الله
الدكتورة إيمان تتكلم عن المشورع وورشة العمل
جواد ابو عون مع وزير الاتصالات وتكنولوجيا المعلومات بخصوص مشروع التعليم للجميع ومن اجل عقد ورشة عمل
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19 سبتمبر 2021

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Field monitoring visit to INU Prof Ahmad odat
Field monitoring visit to INU WP1 Preparations Tasks
Field monitoring visit to INU steps to achieve wp1.1 axes
Field monitoring visit to INU Gender Q1
Field monitoring visit to INU Academic level diploma and bachelors
Field monitoring visit to INU Fourth Dimension administrative facilites
Field monitoring visit to INU looking for images on our website Regonal follow up
Field monitoring visit to INU group of doctors zoom meeting
Field monitoring visit to INU Wp1 Preparation for the first year square at 1.2 point
Field monitoring visit to INU on meeting room Irbid Uni
Field monitoring visit to INU prof and disability as diversity poster behind
Field monitoring visit to INU Prof Ahmad odat
Field monitoring visit to INU WP1 Preparation Ta
Field monitoring visit to INU steps to achieve wp1.1 Ques axrs
Field monitoring visit to INU Gender
Field monitoring visit to INU Academic level 4 levels
Field monitoring visit to INU Fourth Dimension Fourth
Field monitoring visit to INU looking for images on our website follow up
Field monitoring visit to INU group of doctors on zoom meeting
Field monitoring visit to INU Wp1 Preparation for the first year joint activities
Field monitoring visit to INU on meeting room with 7 people on the room
Field monitoring visit to INU prof odat for the edu4all project
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Field monitoring visit to INU Prof. Ahmad odat
Field monitoring visit to INU WP1 Preparations
Field monitoring visit to INU steps to achieve wp1.1 prep
Field monitoring visit to INU Gender male female
Field monitoring visit to INU Academic with 4 levels
Field monitoring visit to INU Fourth Dimension admin facilities q40 clear and published
Field monitoring visit to INU looking for images on our website edu4all
Field monitoring visit to INU group of doctors zoom meeting inu
Field monitoring visit to INU Wp1 Preparation for the first year 3 points
Field monitoring visit to INU on meeting room IRBID national
Field monitoring visit to INU prof ahmad odat and disability as diversity poster
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28-30 يوليو 2021

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Management Meeting at University of Jordan Aqaba Group with all staff
Management Meeting at University of Jordan Aqaba Group with staff
Management Meeting at University of Jordan -Aqaba Group picture with all staff selfie
Management Meeting at University of Jordan Aqaba  with Caps up
Management Meeting at University of Jordan Aqaba Group with nice Smile
Management Meetin main building of the University of Jordan at Al Aqaba
Management Meeting at University of Jordan -Aqaba  with two  Doctors flag of Jordan behind them
Zoom meeting at Management Meeting
Zoom Management Meeting at University of Jordan Aqaba
Management Meeting at University of Jordan Aqaba in the office
Management Meeting at University of Jordan -Aqaba Getting ready for the meeting
Management Meeting at University of Jordan Aqaba Meeting Room
Management Meeting at University of Jordan Aqaba Group with all teams
Management Meeting at University of Jordan Aqaba Group with all staff closer one
Management Meeting at University of Jordan -Aqaba Group with all staff selfie
Management Meeting at University of Jordan Aqaba Group with all staff Caps up
Management Meeting at University of Jordan Aqaba Group with staff Smile
Management Meetin main building of the University of Jordan at Al Aqaba
Management Meeting at University of Jordan -Aqaba with two Drs
Zoom at Management Meeting Professor Georgios
Zoom Management Meeting from University of Jordan Aqaba
Management Meeting at University of Jordan Aqaba in the office
Management Meeting at University of Jordan Aqaba Getting ready for the meeting
Management Meeting at University of Jordan Aqaba Meeting Room
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Management Meeting at University of Jordan -Aqaba Group picture with some staff
Management Meeting at University of Jordan -Aqaba Group picture with staff close
Management Meeting at University of Jordan -Aqaba Group picture with all staff selfie picture
Management Meeting at University of Jordan Aqaba Group with staff Caps up
Management Meeting at University of Jordan Aqaba Group with staff Smiling
Management Meetin main building of the University of Jordan at Al Aqaba
Management Meeting at University of Jordan Aqaba with two Drs
Zoom at Management Meeting Georgios
zoom Management Meeting at University of Jordan Aqaba Host
Management Meeting at University of Jordan -Aqaba in the office
Management Meeting at University of Jordan -Aqaba Getting ready for the meeting
Management Meeting at University of Jordan -Aqaba Meeting Room
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27-26 يوليو 2021

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Edu4ALL workshop in Irbid National University Doctors from Al Khodori University
Edu4ALL workshop in Irbid National University two doctors with poster for Edu4ALL
Edu4ALL workshop in Irbid National University Dr Eman from Al khodori University
Edu4ALL workshop in Irbid National University Workshop participants
Edu4ALL workshop in Irbid National University Workshop participants writing at the papers
Edu4ALL workshop in Irbid National University Dr Eman Explanation of a Edu4ALL
Edu4ALL workshop in Irbid National University Group  of Doctors
Edu4ALL workshop in Irbid National University Dr. Hossam Al Qassem's speech
Edu4ALL workshop in Irbid National University Give thanks
Edu4ALL workshop in Irbid National University Talk about the project
Edu4ALL workshop in Irbid National University Doctors from Al Khodori University
Edu4ALL workshop in Irbid National University two doctors with poster for Edu4ALL
Edu4ALL workshop in Irbid National University Dr Eman from Al khodori University
Edu4ALL workshop in Irbid National University Workshop participants
Edu4ALL workshop in Irbid National University Workshop participants writing at the papers
Edu4ALL workshop in Irbid National University Dr Eman Explanation of a Edu4ALL
Edu4ALL workshop in Irbid National University Group of Doctors
Edu4ALL workshop in Irbid National University Dr. Hossam Al Qassem's speech
Edu4ALL workshop in Irbid National University Give thanks
Edu4ALL workshop in Irbid National University Talk about the project
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Edu4ALL workshop in Irbid National University Doctors from Al Khodori University
Edu4ALL workshop in Irbid National University two doctors with poster for Edu4ALL
Edu4ALL workshop in Irbid National University Dr Eman from Al khodori University
Edu4ALL workshop in Irbid National University Workshop participants
Edu4ALL workshop in Irbid National University Workshop participants writing at the papers
Edu4ALL workshop in Irbid National University Dr Eman Explanation of a Edu4ALL
Edu4ALL workshop in Irbid National University Group  of Doctors
Edu4ALL workshop in Irbid National University Dr. Hossam Al Qassem's speech
Edu4ALL workshop in Irbid National University Give thanks
Edu4ALL workshop in Irbid National University Talk about the project
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يونيو. الثالث ، 2021

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Regional follow up in zoom Eman Daraghmi talking
Regional follow up in zoom Hussam Alqasem talking
Regional follow up meeting talki about Index Everest D
Regional follow up in zoom Eman Daraghmi talking
Regional follow up in zoom Hussam Alqasem talking
Regional follow up meeting talki about Index Everest D
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Regional follow up in zoom Eman Daraghmi talking
Regional follow up in zoom Hussam Alqasem talking
Regional follow up meeting talki about Index Everest D
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20 مايو 2021

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National Erasmus Office (NEO) Meeting While Dr Eman Talking about Edu4ALL Project
National Erasmus Office (NEO) Meeting with Akhudori University staff
National Erasmus Office (NEO) Meeting watching the power point slides
Group photo after the National Erasmus Office (NEO) Meeting
National Erasmus Office (NEO) Meeting in The main office of the university
National Erasmus Office (NEO) Meeting While Dr Eman Talking about Edu4ALL Project
National Erasmus Office (NEO) Meeting with Akhudori University staff
National Erasmus Office (NEO) Meeting watching the power point slides
Group photo after the National Erasmus Office (NEO) Meeting
National Erasmus Office (NEO) Meeting in The main office of the university
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National Erasmus Office (NEO) Meeting While Dr Eman Talking about Edu4ALL Project
National Erasmus Office (NEO) Meeting with Akhudori University staff
National Erasmus Office (NEO) Meeting watching the power point slides
Group photo after the National Erasmus Office (NEO) Meeting
National Erasmus Office (NEO) Meeting in The main office of the university
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24 مارس 2021

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Kick of meeting zoom with all partner
The University of Jordan
Role WP1 - WP5
Dr Khaled Aldebei
The University of Jordan scheme
kick of meeting
Kick of meeting zoom meeting
The University of Jordan UJ
Role WP1 - WP5 red squares
Dr Khaled Aldebei
The University of Jordan scheme
kick of meeting
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Kick of meeting zoom meeting
The University of Jordan
Role WP1 - WP5
Dr Khaled Aldebei
The University of Jordan
kick of meeting
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