مجموعة عمل التطوير
Establishing the Inclusive Education Unit at PC HEIs.
This work package aims at:
Establishing the inclusive education unit at PC HEIs. PC HEIs have always been committed to providing equal opportunities for disabled students, who are persistently encouraged to benefit from its academic programs, services, and activities. Thus, the unit will be an academic environment conducive to those student’s needs and interest by supporting them with suitable equipment, tools, and relevant policies. The unit will comprise 1) a professional disability advisor or learning support coordinator; 2) a number of faculty and staff members who represent various university components; 3) the committee of practice that consists of staff and the general union of disabled. The committee is responsible for defining the specific needs (via interviews and questionnaires) for students with disabilities in order to provide the suitable accommodation. The best accommodations are unique to the individual and develop from a cooperative relationship between staff and student. Based on the needs defined by the committee of practice, the unit will be able to provide accessible curricula, and recourses for students with disabilities; 4) a group of student volunteers from various faculties and disciplines in the university to support special needs students in all aspects of their university experience, such as aiding with test-taking, research tasks, and campus mobility. The group also helps targeted students to attend seminars, workshops, and public lectures. Moreover, the unit will have a modernised lab equipped with the needed assistive technologies.
Providing professional developments and building the capacity of staff (lecturers, administrative, and technician) and to ensure they are well trained for teaching and serving students with disabilities through visits to EU. Partner country staff will participate in 6 training visits to EU Universities that have experience in inclusive education. Also, programme country staff will participate in 6 visits to each PC HEI.
Providing High-Quality Education and Services. This WP aims at ensuring that the skills and experiences students receive are high quality. Disability statement modernisation will take place in this WP.
المؤسسة المسؤولة
المؤسسات المشاركة
PTUK (P1), PTC (P7), UUC (P6), INU (P4), UJ (P5), UoA (P2), Int@E (P9), UPV/EHU (P3), PSD (P8) and GUDP