Edu4all Disability as Diversity

Disability as Diversity :The Inclusion of Students
with Disabilities in Higher Education

Edu4all Disability as Diversity

Disability as Diversity :The Inclusion of Students with Disabilities in Higher Education

Al-Ummah University College​

Al Ummah University

Al-Ummah  University College (UUC) was established in Jerualem in 1983 AD. It is located on the north of Jerusalem, on the main road between Jerusalem and Ramallah. 

It was established as a community until it was coverted to a university college in the year 2019, through the announcement of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Prof. Mahmoud Abu Mawais. in the college’s graduation ceremony at the time. It consists of a modern building that includes teaching halls, modern lectures, a theater, a conference and seminar hall, administrative offices, computer and information technology laboratories, graphic design laboratories, workshops, engineering, electrical, technical, and musical laboratories, ceremonies, scientific laboratories, a cafeteria, halls, playgrounds and sports arenas. The college now offers specializations in various fields according to the needs of the labor market and with a capacity of 600 seats. Hundreds of students graduated from the college in various disciplines, and the college will strengthen its relationship with the labor market by signing partnership agreements with major national companies in the private sector such as the Jerusalem Electricity Company and others.

During the long academic career of the College, it graduated dozens of cohorts of Palestinian and Jerusalemite students in various academic and technical disciplines and in various fields to serve the needs of the market, the Jerusalem community and the local community.

It was and still, touching the needs of the local community and the labor market and is developing technical specializations that keep pace with the rapid scientific development, as It gave them special attention, and developed the various technical and academic programs that grant diplomas, then developed and turned into a university college that awards a bachelor’s degree to supply the local community with skilled graduates who are able to Keeping pace with the tremendous development in the local labor market and in the Palestinian interior.

Team Members

Eng Mohsen Qawasmi

Eng. A.Mohsen A.Qawasmi.

Academic Vice dean of the college

Eng Mai Obaid

Eng. Mai Obaid

Lecture in Electrical Engineering Department

Dr Rabee Otair

Dr. Rabee Otair

Assistant Professor in Education Program

Dr Lama Salah

Dr. Lama Salah

Head of Education B.A. Program Department

Mr Ayman Ghalayini

Mr. Ayman Ghalayini

Head of Student Affairs Department

Saher Mohammad

G.D. Saher Mohammad

Graphic designer