Edu4all Disability as Diversity

Disability as Diversity :The Inclusion of Students
with Disabilities in Higher Education

Edu4all Disability as Diversity

Disability as Diversity :The Inclusion of Students with Disabilities in Higher Education

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InSIDE (Including Students with Impairments in Distance Education) is a Capacity Building in Higher Education (Erasmus+) project that aims at developing accessible, inclusive and educationally effective Distance Education (DE) programmes for individuals with Visual, Hearing and Mobility (ViHeMo) impairments through a user-centred design. DE programmes will be structured on 3 axes: a) educational material, b) DE delivery system, and c) educational effectiveness / pedagogical approaches.


The general objective of the IDEA project is to contribute to the development of capacities of Accessibility support offices in participating HEIs in Albania Kosovo, and Montenegro by enhancing their institutional competencies, staff skills, and networking.


Encourage the inclusion of persons with disabilities in higher education through diagnosis and analysis of inclusive universities to be a reference for other universities.
Create a network of inclusive universities to reduce the barriers for persons with disabilities to higher education, as well as to equate the strategies of universal accessibility for all.


The aim of this newly born network was to empower older persons and persons with disabilities to participate in the digital society by providing them with digital literacy and making assistive technologies more easily accessible. The ultimate goal of the Consortium was to enable persons with disabilities to be more competitive on the job market and to receive a high-quality education.

Nonformal activities for inclusive groups of students

Nonformal activities for inclusive groups of students

Nowadays, when non-formal educational methods are blooming and they should encourage the increase of school attractiveness and social participation and inclusion of all members of a school group, we still face only a physical integration of students with disabilities in mainstream school and very low participation or mostly exclusion from the social life of the school group.

Creating Peace

Creating Peace

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spectrum disorders, esp. Asperger syndrome, behavioral issues, mental and combined handicap).

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Universal Design in Higher Education - Licence to Learn

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