
Edu4all Project 14-july-2024 Edition 6
symposium on university education in jordan amidglobal challenges and transformations
the national and kapodistrian university of athens (nkua) hosted the sixth #edu4all management meeting on june 25-26, 2024
Strengthening collaboration for disability t:memorandum of understanding signed between thesociety for rehabilitation and social training - nuseiratand palestine technical college - deir el-balah
Training visit to int@e ugleipzig germany26.06-30.06. 2023
Professional development and capacity building training
Ptuk committee of practice enhances digitalaccessibility for young student with apertsyndrome
Ezz aldeen qasem, master student at palestine technicaluniversity - kadoorie

Newsletter 6th Edition:2024
- Symposium On University Education In Jordan Amidglobal Challenges And Transformations.
- The Sixth #edu4all Management Meeting On June 25-26, 2024.
- Strengthening Collaboration For Disability Support:memorandum Of Understanding Signed Between Thesociety For Rehabilitation And Social Training – Nuseiratand Palestine Technical College – Deir El-balah.
- Training Visit To Int@e Ugleipzig Germany26.06-30.06. 2023.

UOA Remote training to JO and PS Partners
the opening of the accessibility Unit in uuc
ptuk innovative edu4all project receivices accolades
university of jordan receives training on digital accessibility from UPV EHU team

Newsletter 5th Edition:2023
- UOA Remote Training to JO & Ps Partners.
- The Opening of the Accessibility Unit in UUC.
- PTUK succeeded in qualifying for the Outstanding Contribution to Regional Development category as one of the top 8 universities in the MENA Awards 2023.
- The University Of Jordan (U J ) Recently Received Training On Digital Accessibility From A Team Of Experts From The Universitat Del País Vasco (Upv/Ehu) In San Sebastián.

newsletter arranged by INU
Uj team of Edu4all project participated in the deaf day ceremony
opening Accessibility unit at irbid national university
AL ummah university collage and Palestine general union for person with disabilities sign an agreement
where to know about Edu4all social media
Athens training with partners logos

Newsletter issue 4: January 10, 2023
- UJ team of Edu4ALL project participated in the deaf day ceremony.
- PTC Edu4All team initiated a sign language training course for PTC academic and administrative staff.
- Opening Accessibility Unit at Irbid Nationality
University cooperation with the European project
“Education for All Edu4All”. - Al-Ummah University College and Palestinian General Union for Persons with Disabilities Sign an Agreement.
- Al-Ummah University College Receiving Equipment.

issue 3 what is edu4all proj
newsletter issue 3 workshop
newsletter issue 3 workshop page 2
newsletter 3 workshop page 3 ptuk
newsletter issue 3 training workshop at UPV/EHU
Edu4ALL management meeting at Leipzig
First webinar introducing and digital accessibility
newsletter where to know about edu4all project
newsletter issue 3 all partners with group picture

Newsletter issue 3: April 19, 2022
- Edu4ALL Capacity Building Workshop at PTC – Gaza November 11, 2021.
- Edu4ALL workshop at UJ, Amman has been conducted by UJ-Team Wednesday, December 29
2021. - Edu4ALL Awareness Raising Workshop at PTUK
Palestine December 19, 2021. - Edu4ALL second training workshop at UPV/EHU in the
Basque Country, Spain. January, 10 14, 2022. - Edu4ALL management meeting at INT@E, Leipzig, Germany
January 17 and 18, 2022.

issue 2 athens and aqapa meetings
Edu4ALL Awareness raising Workshop at inu irbid
Edu4ALL Second Managment Meeting
Project follow up meeting
Assistive Technology Definition
upcoming Events
All Partners in Aqaba

Newsletter issue 2: Nov. 15th 2021
- Edu4ALL Awareness raising Workshop at INU INU – Irbid Jul. 26th 2021
- Edu4ALL – Second Management Meeting in UJ-Aqaba UJ – Aqaba, Jul. 28th-30th 2021
- National Erasmus Office (NEO) Meeting – Jordan INU – Irbid, Sep. 19th 2021
- Project follow up meeting at UUC UUC – Joreslam, Jul.6th.2021

what is edu4all project
edu4ALL kickof meeting online via zoom
UJ Team visiting the school of Rehabilitation science at the University of jordan
fields visit to universities in gaza strip by PTC team
upcoming events

Newsletter issue1: June 15th 2021
- Edu4ALL kick-off meeting- Online via Zoom Jan. 18-19 2021
- Regional meeting for PS & JO partners Jun. 08 2021
- UJ Team visiting the school of Rehabilitation sciences at the university of Jordan
- UPV/EHU participating in project’s Quality assurance UPV/EHU – Basque