Edu4all Disability as Diversity

Disability as Diversity :The Inclusion of Students
with Disabilities in Higher Education

Target Audience

Prince Ali Bin Al Hussein Club for Deaf and Mute

Contact info:

phone:4653400 06

Address:183472 Amman 11118 Jordan,Amman – 1st Circle – downtown road

الجمعية الاردنية الاولى

The First Jordanian Association for Sign Language Interpreters

The Palestinian Disability Coalition (PDC)

Contact info:

phone:+972 (0) 2 274-9767

Address:Beit Jala Public Library Building, Al Salam Park Street, Beit Jala, Palestine

المجلس الاعلى لحقوق الاشخاص ذوي الاعاقة

Higher Councel for the Right of Persons with Disabilities, Jordan

Contact info: 

Address:Shmisani Prince Shaker Bin Zeid Building No. 26

Phone: +962 6 5538610

Fax: +962 6 5538243

Higher Councel for the Right of Persons with Disabilities, Jordan Home page:

Jordanian ministry of higher education and scientific research

Contact info: 

Phone: +96265347671

Fax: +96265349079

Adress: AlJubaiha – Amman – The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

Palestinian ministry of higher education and scientific research

Contact info: 

Ramallah , Palestine

Phone:(+970) 2 298 2600

Fax: (+970) 2 295 4518

Palestinian ministry of higher education and scientific research home page:

Palestinian General Union of People with Disability, Ramallah

Contact info: 

Ramallah , Palestine