Work Package 1: Project Preparation
Reviewing and analysing the educational requirements for people with disabilities in partner countries HEIs.
This work package will focus on investigating the rules, legislations and regulations of inclusive education (IE) for students with disabilities in both partner countries, and analysing the current practices of inclusive education for students with disabilities in EU and worldwide. Then a committee from the stakeholders (staff, students and general union of disabled) in each institution of both partner countries will be formed. The committee will define the specific needs (via interviews and questionnaires) for students with disabilities enrolling in university programs in order to enable providing the suitable accommodation. Also, this WP will focus on reaching students with disabilities and raising their awareness regarding the inclusive education.
Lead Organisation
Participating Organization
PTUK (P1), PTC (P7), UUC (P6), INU (P4), UJ (P5), UoA (P2), Int@E (P9), UPV/EHU (P3), PSD (P8), GUDP.