Management meeting on March 2023- UPV/EHU
Management meeting of the Edu4ALL project was held on March second and third, 2023, at UPV/EHU, Basque Country, Spain, Attendees from all partners participated in the meeting. Dr. Nestor Garay Vitoria, project coordinator at UPV/EHU, welcomed the attendees. Dr. Eman Droubi from Palestine Technical University-Khadoori (PTUK), general manager and coordinator of Edu4ALL project, provided a brief overview of the meeting agenda and emphasized the key issues to be discussed during the two days meeting. His excellency, Prof. Mohammad Alshraideh, vice president of the University of Jordan (UJ) for administrative and financial affairs, made a short speech about the University of Jordan and the services they provide to the students with disability. During the first day meetings, partners present their accomplishments according to the project plan. During the second day meetings, partner HEIs in Palestine and Jordan elaborate their progress in establishing accessibility units in their institutions showing the purchased tools of assistive technology. At the end, Dr. Droubi, discussed the plan for the next six months and the arrangement for the training visits by EU partners to the partner HEIs in Palestine and Jordan. Dr. Yousef Draghmi, from PTUK listed the expected deliverable of the project by the next sixth months assigned reviewers and set the due date to submit each deliverable in accordance with Edu4ALL quality control plan.