Edu4all Disability as Diversity

Disability as Diversity :The Inclusion of Students
with Disabilities in Higher Education

Edu4all Disability as Diversity

Disability as Diversity :The Inclusion of Students with Disabilities in Higher Education

Palestine Technical University held an internal Edu4All workshop

Palestine Technical University - Kadoorie (PTUK) held an internal Edu4All workshop in jul 2022

Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie (PTUK) held an internal Edu4All workshop in10/Jan/2022 for staff of the deanship of students affairs. Mr Zafir Hasouna, a member of the Edu4All project, presented the objectives of the Edu4All project and the inclusion unit which will be established in the university. He explained the activities of the inclusion unit and how it is going to facilitate the access of students with disabilities to university services. The participants also discussed the cooperation mechanism among departments in deanship, cooperation with other departments in the university and with the local community for improving the services provided by the university to students with disabilities.