(PTC) Deir El-Balah organizes a workshop about integrating students with disabilities

Palestine Technical College – Deir El-Balah (PTC) organizes a workshop about integrating students with disabilities into higher education institutions.
On the 29th of March 2022, Palestine Technical College – Deir El-Balah organized a workshop entitled “A future vision for the integration of students with disabilities in higher education institutions”, which is being held within the “Edu4ALL” project funded by the European Union within the Erasmus+ program.
The workshop was attended by Dr. Haitham Ayesh – Dean of Palestine Technical College, Dr. Mansour Alayoubi, Deputy Dean for Administrative Affairs, Dr. Ezzaldeen Edwan – local Project Coordinator at PTC and head of scientific research Department, Eng. Saeed Gad Al-Haq – Former Director of Vocational Education at the Ministry of Higher Education, and Mr. Kamal Abu Shaweesh – Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Society for Rehabilitation and Community Training, in addition to the Vice Deans for Academic Affairs, Planning and Development, a number of department heads and academics specialized in different universities, a group of community figures active in caring for people with disabilities, and a number of college students.
The workshop started with the recitation of verses from the Holy Qur’an. In the opening speech of the workshop, Dr. Ayesh welcomed all attendees stressing the clear and firm mission of PTC towards embracing and integrating students with disabilities with its quality programs, considering this the most important thing that highlights the development and success of the college, adding that everything the college does towards this group of students is a moral and national duty and in compliance with the Palestinian law for persons with disabilities No. (4) of 1999 AD Article (10).
Dr. Ayesh spoke about the progress, distinction and development of PTC through the introduction of new and unique programs and specializations which the Palestinian labor market needs, noting that the college witnessed a great turnout from high school students, as the number of students enrolled in the college reached more than two thousand students.
by Dr. Edwan presented an introduction to the “Edu4ALL” project, stressing during his speech that disability in any society is a “natural diversity”.The workshop included 3 sessions: the first session was entitled “The Reality of Students with Disabilities”, and dealt with two axes, the first one presented by M. Gad Al-Haq about the experience of higher education in integrating students with disabilities, and the second one given by Mr. Abu Shaweesh talked about the services provided by the Association for Rehabilitation and Social Training for Students with Disabilities. The second session was moderated by Dr. Alayoubi, which consisted of a panel discussion on the experience of students with disabilities in higher education institutions.The third session included the transfer of the experiences gained by Edu4ALL team from participating at training held at the National University of Athens and the University of the Basque Country, about integrating students with disabilities into higher education institutions. At the conclusion of the workshop activities, the participants were given the opportunity to ask questions in a way that contributes to enriching the topic of the workshop followed by the distribution of appreciation certificates to the participants.