Edu4all Disability as Diversity

Disability as Diversity :The Inclusion of Students
with Disabilities in Higher Education

Edu4all Disability as Diversity

Disability as Diversity :The Inclusion of Students with Disabilities in Higher Education

PTC Edu4All team initiated a sign language training course for PTC academic and administrative staff

PTC Edu4All team initiated a sign language training course for PTC academic

The course will last for 20 training hours and it targets all interested staff to give them the ability to communicate with hard hearing or deaf students. The course is given by Samah Elhlou, a professional sign trainer with long experience. As an outcome of the Edu4All project dissemination activities PTC witnesses this academic year 2022/2023 high admission rate of high school students who enrolled in fashion design department side by side by other students for the first time in PTC department with this intensity. It worth to mention that, all students with disabilities (SwD) enrolled at PTC departments enjoy a waiver of fees that reach 100% and PTC will provide support for SwD by its newly established accessibility unit as explained by Dr Ezzaldeen Edwan, the project coordinator at PTC.