Training workshop has been hosted by the National Kodposterian university of Athens (NKUA)

As part of #Edu4ALL project, a training workshop has been hosted by the National Kodposterian university of Athens (NKUA) in Athens, Greece during the period from 21st to 25th of Nov. 2022. Prof. Georgios Kouroupetroglou Coordinator of NKUA team, welcomed all partners and briefly summarized training objectives and agenda. Also, he introduced training tutors to the attendees.
The key theme of the training is focused on practical skills of helping and assisting students with disability. Further, technical sessions were organized to utilize assistive technology tools to produce accessible tutoring material. Representatives from all partners in Palestine, Jordan, Greek, Spain, and Germany including participating HEIs attended the training in person. The workshop considered various tips and tools to provide suitable adaptation for engaging students with disability in university life. Several practical examples have been provided during the training workshop. All participants engaged in practical examples by forming teams to answer tasks assigned by the tutors. Answers and designed models were evaluated through a brainstorming session. The key purpose is to transfer expertise and to enable instructors to perform and administer practical skills among students with disability.
During the training workshop, several practical skills experienced outdoor and utilizing NKUA, Informatic school physical environment. For example, guiding blind student and student with sight lose to their destination. And assisting student with motor disability using wheel to move around the school and to access and place they within school environment. All the #Edu4ALL practice role play twice. Once as the student with disability. Once again as the assistance provider.
Several examples of assistive technology tools have been practiced in computer lab. Subjects as: OCR and OCR content correction, Screen readers and required adaptation of printed document to become accessible by screen reader software in a right way, development of alternative text for STEM and non-STEM images, and practice on developing of tactile graphics were investigated and practiced by all partners. Some exercises were given to the attendees and their answers were evaluated at the end of each session.
In the final day of the training workshop, Dr. Eman Draghmi, project’s coordinator, welcomed all attendees, briefly summarized the current state of the project, emphasized the key impact of the training workshops on the partners in Palestine and Jordan, and thanked NKUA for their amazing organization to the training.
To follow up the project updates and activities please visit the official website and Facebook page of Edu4ALL.